Thursday, April 30, 2009

She has a glow

Faith is doing much better. Her bilirubin level is flirting with the highend and she has been put on a glowing board. She loves wearing her hat with her name.


Teresa and Shawn said...

She is precious in her hat. My sister Christina used to call Casey a glow worm when she was wrapped up like that to fix her jaundice!

The Real EMO said...

awww she does look like a glow worm!!! The hat seems to fit her perfectly!!! Hope mama is doing better too!!! :o)

Becky Statz said...

What a beautiful little angel she is! Her halo is showing!! The picture in her hat is one you should definitely frame. Glad things are improving, and we all keep you in prayer.
Becky and Kevin

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely Precious and looks just like the other four...though when I first saw her I saw Justin the most.....too cute. I'll keeep updated with teh blog and we would love to see you guys once you get settled.
LOve you guys!! HUGS & KISSES
