Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Father/Son Camping trip

Justin and Dad had a great weekend at Father/son camping trip with over 200 others from St Marie Parish

Father Son camping trip pictures

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Grace & Faith

Faith in her miracle blanket....she loves loves it!!

big sister Cara

1 month old!!!!!!

1. she only sleeps if being held
2. she wakes up every 2 hours to eat at night
3. she does not like changing her diaper
4. she is perfect just the way she is

Monday, June 1, 2009

Allison does have a bed but we found this last night

Notice ALL her stuffed animals, sippy cup of water and alarm clock arranged just so.
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Snow White play at St Casimir

Allison was in her first play last week. It was Snow White and she played Loper the deer.
Thanks to Cesar who let me borrow his video camera. Clearly I will never make a good videographer.
Here is the entire play
Entire Snow White Play

Friday, May 15, 2009


Christina is down for the count. Day 2 of Mastitis and she can barely muster the energy to blink. Started the antibiotics yesterday. Comes on quick leaves quickly? Should be much better tomoorow ? From memory, I think this is how it works...

Faith is sleeping A LOT.

Dad is trying to keep the niose to a dull ROAR in the house.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Faith at home

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broken arm update

We meet with Dr. Cook (the broken arm Dr.). He said that he was happy with the progress the bone has made and he could see lots of new bone on the x-ray. He suggested that we keep the sling on her arm for 1 more week and then we can take it off. We will follow up with him in 3 weeks for another examination. We expect her to start using that arm more once the sling is off.

Thanks for all the prayers. They are working and Faith is healing very well.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Blood tests are back and looking good. I think we're over the hump. Faith is sleeping a lot, which of course is great. Mom is up every 2 hours nursing but that is normal for a new baby and with all that has happened Christina is counting her (our) blessings.

Of course a great big blessing that we have are our friends and family who have been so supportive.

I have added more pictures to the Picasa Album. There are about 100 new pics but most are duplicates. Still no time to filter them, sorry.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Home sweet home

Faith and Christina were discharged from the hospital late last night. Everyone is home now. Hopefully it will stay that way. A visiting nurse just came to the house to take a blood draw from Faith and Mom is going to the OB to see about some problems with the staples from her c-section.

I got to bring Allison to her first soccer game this morning and it helped make me feel like life was normal again.

Thanks for all you prayers. This too shall pass.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

She has a glow

Faith is doing much better. Her bilirubin level is flirting with the highend and she has been put on a glowing board. She loves wearing her hat with her name.


Last night Faith took out her feeding tube half way and I pulled out the rest. I was thrilled to do it (and knew it was OK). The IV is also out now, so she just has a few sensors hooked up to her chest/belly and leg.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Christina and Faith are finally together

Faith this is mommy, mommy this is Faith

Here are all the pictures (150) that I have of Faith and the big day. Lots of duplicates but I don't have time to fileter out only the best...

Looks like Christina will be coming to Dartmough in Lebanon!!!...thanks to the Dr and Nurse here who pushed for it to happen and to all our friends who prayed for it to happen... We're looking forward to being with her...

oxygen = 0

Last night Faith had her pain medication switched to Morphine. That definitely helped with the pain of the broken arm. The best news is that overnight she was successfully weaned off oxygen and is breathing on her own with no signs of distress. I'm no Dr but I know this is very good.

This is a pic of Faith just before she left CMC. Christina has only touched her a few times. Thanks for the tremendous support everyone has shown us during this difficult time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Settling in

Faith is now at the NICU. She is looking better and still breathing on her own.

Transiton team is here

The team from the NICU is here and making arrangments to bring her back. It may turn out that she needs to go on a ventilator but we're hoping that she doesn't need it. They took the Helicoptor here but a nurse got sick from the heat so they will go back with Faith in an ambulance. I'm going to follow them. The people at the NICU say they don't have a room for Christina. C is very sad that she can't go with Faith.

Our friend and Pediatrician Cara is an angel and came by to see what she could see. She was very encouraging and made us feel better.

Please pray


Faith is being flown by helicopter to the NICU in Lebanon. I'm trying to see if they will allow me to come. The pedi says that Faith has pneumonia and an infection in her lungs. She is still in the oxygen hood and is not weaning off it. The Pedi says that Faith has a severely fractured upper arm. This is a hard day please say some prayers for Christina and Faith.

Need prayers for Faith

Faith is born! Unfortunately she is having problems breathing on her own. She is in the nursery and under an oxygen tent. With the oxygen she appears to be OK. They are running a much of tests. Also her arm has something wrong with it. The Dr thinks she broke it during delivery.

She is very cute. Typical Sullivan. Please pray for Faith and Christina. Christina hasn't seen Faith yet and is eager to see her. Hopefully it will happen soon.

I'll update as I can

Better news

Gown is OK, Dr is here...going in soon.

Take that gown off

The last time (Grace) C broughts her own birthing gown. There were no problems. She double checked with the DR last week that she could so it again and the Dr said "Of Course". This time the nurse says the Dr doiong the C will not allow it. They are going to "look into it again"...

Just call me Mr. Stephens...

Our new nurse has now told us that we'll be having the c-section at some point but not 7:30. The Drs are not lined up and the paperwork needs to be done and by the way she thinks we're teh Stephens family

This just in... when C had her blood work taken yesterday at the hospital they didn't give her a second blood braclet so new nurse thinkning they may need to redraw...rules are braclet without a live blood draw....

The saga begins...

The saga begins...the nurse says that her records indicate a 9:00 AM c-section. We know it's 7:30 but she says the Drs may not be ready....